Kathmandu - Tagged, Bagged and Ready to Jet Lag
My ticket out of here is confirmed for tomorrow and the unavoidable delay in Bangkok is, well, unavoidable. Thai Airlines flights out leave too late to make the next Thai Airlines flight to Hong Kong. Curiously convenient, if you ask me! I will stay somewhere down on Khao San Road, the tourist nexus in Bangkok. Next day to Hong Kong to catch the over-seas flight to Los Angeles. Once again, in too late to catch a flight to Albuquerque! Another night and then make it to Albuquerque on Wednesday, the 26th. Whew!
Looks like there is a "left luggage" office at Bangkok, so I can safely check my luggage and then just take myself and a few particulars to bustling Bangkok. Wrestling that damn luggage is not what I want to do. That way I can freely explore with only a small bag. Easier to look for a place to sleep that way. Fast and light, folks, fast and light.
So, outbound tomorrow on a three-day journey. Plus the time difference, date-line thing. Four-day journey? Whatever, it will be a blast. Talk to you in Bangkok!
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